A teepee for Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek – Gull Bay First Nation
Residential School Survivors and the generations that followed have been robbed of traditional Indigenous teachings.

To help strengthen a sense of identity especially for Indigenous youth, reconnecting with Elders, Traditional Teachings and the land is incredibly important.
To provide a safe, inclusive, and culturally relevant space for such teachings, Gull Bay Sacred Heart of Jesus R.C. Church has chosen to purchase a teepee. The teepee will serve as a hub for land-based activities and a space for sharing knowledge, language and culture between Elders, spiritual leaders, Knowledge Keepers, youth, and children.
Funding provided through the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF) will cover all materials required for the teepee’s construction – from the canvas cover to ropes, stakes, lacing pins, door, and poles. Guided by an experienced Elder from St. Kateri Church, the teepee will be constructed at cultural events and land-based gatherings.
More than just a tent, a teepee holds a unique significance for Indigenous people—it is a connection to Mother Earth and it serves as a bridge between generations, a link to the past, and a space for communal growth.
Gull Bay Sacred Heart of Jesus R.C. Church is a sacred place where all can feel welcome and respected. It is a place for healing, seeking to bridge the gap between Indigenous and Catholic Ceremonials and Spiritualities – where traditional symbolism can further express the Church faith.
Diocese of Thunder Bay
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