Bridging Hope: Supporting Indigenous Communities through Vital Programs
The Northern Bridge Community Partnership (NBCP) has been dedicated to nurturing healing, empowering youth and fostering leadership in Indigenous communities of northern Canada for over a decade.

Through various programs, NBCP strives to address the deep-seated issues resulting from colonization, racism, and assimilation.
Funding from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF) supported the continuous and consistent employment of a qualified and accredited counsellor focused on the Athabasca Region of northern Alberta, fulfilling the Systems and Support Manager role with the NBCP.
The Systems and Support Manager role is critical to the impact of NBCP, overseeing or leading virtual counselling, social work placements, social media psychoeducation, suicide prevention training and online youth peer support groups.
Virtual counselling provided Indigenous communities with essential mental health support using the secure online counselling program VirtualCare to offset access and travel limitations. NBCP also collaborated with Athabascan schools, offering students online suicide prevention training through LivingWorks. Their social work placements program facilitated clinical internships in Indigenous communities for Indigenous Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Social Work students.
They also facilitated online youth peer support groups and provided summer employment in children’s programming and community service for Indigenous youth through the Canada Summer Jobs program.
NBCP also ran “inculturation” courses within northern Indigenous communities, offering opportunities for non-Indigenous university students to learn customs, connect with youth, and reduce stigma.
About the Northern Bridge Community Partnership:
Headquartered in London, Ontario, the NBCP is a nonprofit organization founded in 2017, focused on education and wellness, promoting a vision of moving forward together.
At the invitation of Indigenous and diocesan leaders in northern Canada to assist with identified needs in their communities, NBCP works with Indigenous people to develop and deliver meaningful programming that supplements the services available in communities while building capacity and developing leadership therein.
To learn more about the work of the NBCP, visit their website at https://www.northernbridge.org/
Diocese of London
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