Learning Ojibwe: Basic Ojibwe and Culture

The wounds inflicted on Indigenous communities by the residential school system run deep, with one of the most devastating impacts being the suppression of Indigenous languages
The loss of language has left a void in the cultural identity of Indigenous communities across Canada.
Ms. Esther Diabo, an Ojibwe language speaker, Elder, and survivor of nine years in residential schools, understands the importance of reclaiming Indigenous languages as a pathway to healing and cultural restoration. Ms. Diabo has dedicated herself to providing language classes for members of Kitchitwa Kateri Church in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
Supported by the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF), Ms. Diabo has already made strides in her mission. Previous language classes have been met with enthusiasm and participation from the community, providing an opportunity for people to reconnect with their language and heritage.
Additional funding provided by the IRF will support Ms. Diabo in expanding and continuing her lessons into 2024. Covering expenses such as a teacher honorarium, hall rentals, and lesson supplies, this support ensures that community members continue to have access to culturally relevant programming that fosters language learning and cultural reconnection.
Diocese of Thunder Bay
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