Building Community and Healing Through Cooking

St. Mary’s Wellness and Education is a school facility that was established in the Pleasant Hill Community of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan over 100 years ago.
About 90% of its students are of Indigenous ancestry. The community continues to feel the traumatic effects of residential schools and has a strong need for community-building initiatives, inter-generational education, and healing programs.
In recent years, the Centre has seen a significant increase in families seeking support with food and groceries. The school population has surged, with many students moving from reservations to urban settings, and financial challenges make it difficult to afford today’s high food costs.
With financial support from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF), St. Mary’s will bring together 10-15 families once a month to batch cook large meals to take home. The grant will cover food supplies for one year, a facilitator, and all other program costs for 10 sessions.
While cooking is the central activity, the goal is also to create a space for gathering, talking, sharing stories, and healing. By bringing together young people and Elders in a setting that is about preparing healthy food, cooking together and learning together, St. Mary’s is creating an environment that fosters healing and growth in the community.
Diocese of Saskatoon
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