Educating Through Art: Balcarres Community School’s Tribute to Truth and Reconciliation

Government policies such as the Indian Act of 1876, coupled with the devastating legacy of the Indian Residential School system, have left profound scars on Indigenous communities and reverberated throughout Canadian society.
Today, the need for continuing education and awareness is as pressing as ever.
In 2023, Balcarres Community School in Saskatchewan embarked on an initiative to engage students, many of whom are members of neighbouring First Nation communities, in truth and reconciliation. Under the guidance of their teachers, students produced artwork that depicts the 94 Calls to Action outlined by the National Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada.
In February 2024, their work was showcased at the Niel Balkwill Civic Arts Centre in Regina as part of Indigenous Storytelling Month. Supported by funding from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF), students and teachers from the Regina Catholic School Division were invited to view the display and attend educational presentations.
The initiative was a unique opportunity for attendees to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of the TRC’s recommendations and see a representation of the Calls to action from the perspective of Indigenous youth – paving the way for continued dialogue and reflection on the path towards reconciliation.
Archdiocese of Regina
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