Dialogues for Promoting Indigenous Spirituality and Culture

Empowering Traditions: Listuguj Powwow

The Listuguj Powwow stands as a vibrant cultural cornerstone in Atlantic Canada, drawing thousands of attendees from Mi’kma’ki, surrounding provinces and the United States. 

The Powwow is not only an opportunity for cultural exchange but also a means to heal historical wounds and foster unity. At the core of this event lies a commitment to reconnecting with Indigenous roots and sharing them with the broader community.

Funds from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund have been allocated to the design, construction and installation of a metal roof over the arbour on the Powwow site, ensuring stability during uncertain weather conditions.

The impact of this initiative extends far beyond a physical shelter. The arbour roof holds cultural significance, providing a haven for drummers, dancers, emcees and Elders who embody the wisdom of generations. The roof is a symbol of respect, contributing to the healing process and fostering a deep sense of unity among attendees.

The Listuguj Powwow not only brings cultures together but also acts as a catalyst for cultural revitalization and understanding. It encourages the participation of non-Indigenous guests, promoting a sense of reciprocity and mutual learning. By showcasing authentic Indigenous crafts, the event empowers artisans and ensures the preservation of traditional practices. With a steadfast adherence to a zero-tolerance policy for drugs, alcohol and violence, the Powwow remains an example of harmony and respect.


Funding Partner Diocese of Hamilton

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