Harvesting for Healing: Reviving Traditional Knowledge in Alderville First Nation

In South-Central Ontario, Alderville First Nation is taking important steps to overcome the impact of colonialism on Traditional Indigenous Knowledge about living off the land.

The “Harvesting for Healing” project is a community-driven effort to keep alive important skills such as harvesting, hunting, and fishing.

The project involves local Knowledge Keepers as well as experienced hunters and gatherers who will share their wisdom with younger generations. The main goal is to make sure that skills deeply tied to the community’s heritage do not disappear. Local Elders and community members will also guide Youth in how to prepare the harvest. This work will lead to monthly gatherings, where everyone shares a meal during a dedicated social time.

Support from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund will cover expenses for the Harvesting for Healing project, contributing to its success and longevity. The work will help people of all ages and promote healing, knowledge sharing and the preservation of traditional ways of life through strong community connections. 

Diocese of Peterborough

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