Education and Community Building
Intercultural Grandmothers Uniting

For many older newcomers to Canada, understanding Indigenous histories and cultures can be challenging.
A lack of knowledge often fosters misconceptions and untruths that can lead to racism and mistreatment of Indigenous peoples.
For over 10 years, Intercultural Grandmothers Uniting (IGU) in Regina, Saskatchewan, has been working to change this. IGU is a network where women aged 50 and older, representing First Nations, Métis and non-Indigenous communities, come together to share, learn and build relationships rooted in respect and trust. The group helps newcomers learn about Indigenous teachings and traditions in a safe and welcoming space.
Funding from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF) will enable IGU to continue and expand its important work. The support will cover venue rentals and food for 10 meetings, as well as a June gathering and a Christmas event. The funding will also support honorariums for guest speakers and help with the transcription, editing and publication of the group’s book, Bringing Home Your Stories, which captures the wisdom and experiences of its members.
For over a decade, Intercultural Grandmothers Uniting has walked the path of reconciliation, creating opportunities for women from different cultures to come together and learn from one another. With ongoing support, the group will continue to foster connections that break down barriers and build a stronger, more inclusive community for all.
Archdiocese of Regina
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