Supporting Food Security in the Community of Houpsitas

The First Nation community of Houpsitas is located in Kyuquot Sound, on the Northwest coast of Vancouver Island, BC.

Community members navigate life on their traditional territories while grappling with food security issues that are exacerbated by inflation and the high cost of transporting goods to the marine-only accessible village. 

With staple items often purchased in bulk and transport logistics posing a major obstacle, families and Elders in Houpsitas have increasingly limited access to essential nutrition and household supplies. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, Loaves & Fishes Food Bank in Nanaimo and the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Campbell River have formed a partnership to support the community.

The two organizations have committed to providing a monthly donation of 800 pounds of essential food supplies to assist Houpsitas. The Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF) is providing assistance to cover transportation expenses, ensuring that this crucial support reaches those most in need and playing a key role in supporting an emergency collaboration and poverty relief initiative for the community of Houpsitas.

Diocese of Victoria

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