Guérison et réconciliation pour les communautés et les familles
La subvention appuie la guérison et l’éducation des survivants des pensionnats

La Future Generations Foundation, anciennement connue sous le nom de NIB Trust Fund, est responsable de la gestion de la rémunération allouée aux survivants des pensionnats indiens en vertu de la Convention de règlement relative aux pensionnats indiens.
The programming supported by the funds focuses on generational healing, connections with Elders, revitalization of culture, language, and community and better education, employment, income, and standard of living outcomes for Indigenous peoples.
Despite the progress made, there remain significant gaps in funding, affecting thousands of beneficiaries. To bridge this gap, the Future Generations Foundation sought assistance from the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund (IRF). An annual grant provided by the IRF will support group programming and individual scholarships and bursaries, many of which are not supported elsewhere.
The need for healing and support among Indigenous communities persists, especially in breaking the cycles of intergenerational trauma and ensuring equitable opportunities. Through the support of the IRF, the Future Generations Foundation will be able to help First Nations and Métis people, organizations, and communities address the long-lasting impacts of the Indian residential school system and to support education programs aimed at healing and reconciliation over many years.
Archdiocese of Vancouver
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